Saturday, August 17, 2024

Recent Photos

Another batch of random photos from the last little while. Mostly just around the neighborhood plus some from the HCP gardens.

I've found a good spot where I can photograph the otters without bothering them. The trick of course is to be there when they are. I wonder if these ones are sibling juveniles.

river otters

I like sparrows. They're seem to have a good attitude (whatever that means).

White-crowned sparrow

House Sparrow

Crows also have attitude, although it's not always a good attitude!

crow silhouette

Whereas the herons seems to always be focused.

Great Blue Heron

The kingfisher was a little far away for the lens I had but still good to see.

Belted Kingfisher

There are lots of Common Wall Lizards (not native, but ubiquitous). They are hard to photograph at the best of times since they're quite skittish. The best approach is to use a telephoto lens to keep your distance. However, when there's a mob of small children around, that approach doesn't always work either! The recent hatchlings are only about an inch long. This is an adult. Their coloring varies quite a bit. This one was a nice green.

Common Wall Lizard

I didn't take a lot of photos of them but the flowers at HCP were at their prime.




There were quite a few of what I think are Woodland Skippers.

Woodland Skipper ?

Woodland Skipper ?

I spotted a bush with a number of unusual spiders on it. Once again, the inquisitive mob of small children did not help with the photography!

Sierra Dome Spider

There were also quite a few damselflies (Bluet?)


The wasps were also enjoying the flowers

European Paper Wasp

We're used to the noisy seaplanes taking off so we were slow to realize the Snowbirds were doing a  flyby.



And a few abstracts to finish up.





See all 40 photos in this batch

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