Sunday, August 11, 2024

From the Water

After missing out on some good sightings the week before, the next time I got out kayaking I made sure to take my camera. There were lots of seals and the bald eagle was in the same spot. I didn't see the baby raccoons this time but there was a kingfisher instead.

The bald eagle was on one of the harbor markers. They can be skittish, but this one didn't seem to mind me in the kayak. I actually had to make a little noise to get it to even look in my direction.

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

I think this was the most seals I've seen in one outing. The photos with buildings in the background are a reminder that the animals that do well these days are the ones that can tolerate humans.

Harbor Seals

Harbor Seals

Note: It might look like I'm getting quite close, but that's only because I'm using a long telephoto lens. I am careful to keep my distance and to back off if they show any signs of nervousness at my presence. They are definitely aware of my presence but I figure if they look up and then lie back down and close their eyes that I'm probably not disturbing them much.

Harbor Seals

Harbor Seals

This one looks like a pregnant female.

Harbor Seal - pregnant?

Most seals fast while nursing but harbor seals leave their pups to feed. On the island in front of our place we see the lone pups waiting on the shore while the mother is away feeding.

Harbor Seals

On the way back I heard the distinctive chatter of a Belted Kingfisher. For a change it didn't just fly away. I would have like to be a bit closer but at least I got a few photos. It had just caught a fish (they dive into the water for them) and was banging it against the tree branch to kill it. It was quite a large fish to swallow whole. Kingfishers are one of my favorite local birds but they are hard to photograph. The chestnut brown coloring indicates it's a female. I haven't seen them much lately.

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

See all 20 photos in this batch

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