Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Monte Verde

Monte Verde (green mountain) is one of Costa Rica's premier ecotourism areas. National Geographic called the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve "the jewel in the crown of cloud forest reserves". We spent several days here. At 1400 m (almost 5000 ft), the cooler temperatures were a welcome change from the heat of the coast.

We spent a half day hiking in the main reserve but didn't see many birds. Thick cloud forest is not the best place for bird photography. There's not much light, and when you do spot something it's almost always obscured by the vegetation. I have to admit my favorite spot was the cafe where they have a bunch of hummingbird feeders.

Green-crowned brilliant ?

Violet Sabrewing

Purple-throated Mountain-Gem ?

Lesser Violetear ?


I still found lots to take photographs. This Leaf Katydid was on a sign by the entrance.

Leaf Katydid

I spotted the first of these insects near the entrance. But they were quite common, and I found several congregations. Although there were several different variations, I think they are different stages of the same insect. (Except there seem to be two distinct adults.)

Red Bug nymph

Red Bug nymph

Red Bug

Red Bug and nynphs

Red Bug nymphs

There were other insects, of course.

Mud Cricket ?


And, not surprisingly, various mushrooms and other fungus.



Wood Ear ?

And lots of kinds of ferns, from small translucent ones to giant tree ferns.


fern spores

tree fern from above

Humorously, I got most of my bird photos at Stella's Cafe, which had a back deck bordering a garden with a bird feeder. (It was also an excellent restaurant and coffee shop, with lots of vegetarian options for a change.)

Yellow-throated Euphonia ?


Red-legged Honeycreeper

Scrub Euphonia ?

Lesson's Motmot

Northern Emerald-Toucanet

It was funny to see a "Baltimore" Oriole. It was eating the Bougainvillea flowers.

Baltimore Oriole

The squirrels also took advantage of the bird feeder.

Variegated Squirrel

Variegated Squirrel

Even an agouti came to visit, probably eating what fell off the feeder.


It was late by the time I got to the butterfly garden, so I didn't have as much time as I would have liked, but it's always good to see them.

Quite a few insects mimic leaves as camouflage. This Tiger Leafwing does a good job.

Tiger Leafwing

The Blue Morphos are one of the larger butterflies. They also have interesting caterpillars.

Blue Morpho butterfly

Blue Morpho caterpillar

Malachite butterfly

Tiger Longwing

I found this clearwing outside the greenhouses.

Thick-tipped Greta

Our last morning we went to a smaller privately owned family reserve that also grew some bananas and coffee to support the reserve. I bought some of their coffee and it was excellent. Again, we didn't see many birds but there were insects and spiders.



jumping spider

Mabel Orchard Orbweaver

See all 80 photos in this batch

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