Thursday, July 04, 2024

Sheridan, Wyoming

Halfway through our six days at Five Springs we decided to take a break (and a shower). We crossed over the Big Horn mountains to Sheridan since Shelley hadn't done that drive. Along the way we saw two moose by the road.



We like to look for out of the ordinary hotels, in this case we found the Sheridan Inn which opened in 1893. Buffalo Bill even stayed there.

For a small town, Sheridan has some nice walking trails. We were crossing a bridge when we spotted this mink with a big catfish it had caught.

American Mink with fish

It disappeared into some rocks and then reappeared briefly without the fish. I wonder if it had some kind of nest under there.

American Mink

We found a nice pond on our walk, with Painted Turtles, Bullfrogs, and Red-winged Blackbirds.

Painted Turtle

American Bullfrog

Red-winged Blackbird

There were swallows nesting under another bridge.

Cliff Swallows ?

The downtown had a lot of sculptures. I took photos of a few animal oriented ones.

rattlesnake sculpture

frog sculpture

Sheridan didn't turn out to be a good place for vegetarians. We eventually ended up in a brew house where I settled for a salad, which they proceeded to bring out with a big slab of chicken on it, even though the chicken was extra and I hadn't ordered it. I guess it was inconceivable that you could eat a meal without meat.

On the way back to Five Springs the next day we stopped at the Big Horn National Forest Visitor Center. It had a nice nature trail with lots of wildflowers.

Prairie Smoke (Three-flowered aven)

Prairie Pasqueflower

Hairy Clematis ?


See all 37 photos in this batch

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