Saturday, July 27, 2024

Baby Harbor Seal

I spotted some baby harbor seals when I was kayaking last weekend. Other years we've had a mother and baby on the island in front of our place so I've been keeping an eye out. The other morning I saw a seal in the water by the island. In the evening there was a seal out on the island. She (?) looked quite plump.

Harbour Seal

Usually the front flippers just look like fins, but it's interesting to see in this photo that they actually have 5 fingers and nails.

Harbour Seal

An hour or so later I looked out again and now there was a baby! At first we weren't sure if it was the same seal, but looking at the photos the markings look the same. She looked less plump after giving birth.

Harbour Seal mother & baby

Pups can weigh up to 16 kg (35 lb) and are able to swim within hours of birth. I think you can see some signs of the birth on the mother.

Harbour Seal mother & baby

Feeding time

Harbour Seal mother & baby

Harbour Seal mother & baby

The island is about 100 m (330 ft) from the shore. I was using my longest telephoto and it was a challenge to get sharp photos. I even got out the big tripod but it didn't seem to make much difference. I had been resting on the railing so I was pretty steady even without it. And the stabilization on the OM-1 is very good.

Harbour Seal mother & baby

Harbour Seal mother & baby

Harbour Seal mother & baby

Harbour Seal mother & baby

See all 22 photos in this batch

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