Sunday, July 07, 2024

Recent Photos

Some random photos from around the neighborhood.


Canada Geese are common but I don't usually see them strung out in such a long line like this.

Canada Geese in a row

There are lots of flowers around, which the bees are busy visiting.

Yellow-faced bumblebee

bumblebee on wild rose



Exploring at low tide I found this sea star, but it looks like it might have sea star wasting disease.

Ochre Sea Star

The crows were also exploring the beach (and taking advantage of the dog water dish).

crow on the beach

crow at dog water dish

I caught this Great Blue Heron in the act of catching a fish. They swallow the tiny fish immediately, but bigger ones they need to turn around head first.

Great Blue Heron catching fish

Great Blue Heron catching fish

Another shot of the river otters.

river otters

Shelley spotted this tiny moth (less than 1/2 inch across) on our door.

Single-dotted Wave ?

Whereas this weevil and large spider were on our wall. (neither is native)

Black Vine Weevil

Giant House Spider ?

I heard this woodpecker before I spotted him. There must be something metal on top of the pole since he was making quite a racket.

Downy Woodpecker ?

While I was photographing the woodpecker this Anna's hummingbird landed on a bush right near me.

Anna's hummingbird

And a reflection photo to close with.


See all 48 photos in this batch

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