Sunday, May 19, 2024

Photo Catchup

I've fallen behind on posting photos recently so here is some catch up.

We had a good crop of camas lilies and bluebells along the west bay walkway.

Camas lilies

Camas lily


The dandelions come out so early they're already going to seed.

dandelion seeds

I won't inflict too many reflection photos on you. I'm always trying to capture interesting patterns.


Deadnettle is invasive, but it has cute little flowers if you look close.

Red deadnettle ?

A cooperative hummingbird for a change. It didn't sit still for long, but it kept returning to the same perch. And I managed to catch the light for some color.

Anna's Hummingbird

The spring wild roses.

wild rose

A great blue heron in it's breeding plumage

Great Blue Heron

Our spring visit to Butchart Gardens was a bit past the prime of the tulips, but there's never a bad time to go.

Butchart Gardens

tulips & fountains



Poppy anemone

Poppy anemone

I managed to find a few critters.

Common Wall Lizard

Leafcurling sac spider ?

I found this interesting seedpod in the parking lot. I think it's from an American Sweetgum

American Sweetgum seedpod

The regular white chestnut tree flowers are hard to photograph (too white). The red ones are better, although I struggled with these ones because the wind was blowing them around.

Red horse-chestnut

For various reasons I haven't got out kayaking too much this spring yet. This harbor seal was a bit suspicious of me, but I kept my distance and it stayed out of the water.

Harbor Seal

Harbor Seal

No bald eagle in the usual tree, but this great blue heron was posed with the chestnut flowers in the background.

Great Blue Heron

Canada Geese can be regarded as pests, but who can resist those fluffy babies (with mom watching over them).

Canada Geese

Canada Geese

Canada Geese

Canada Geese

And finally, a brief visit by a house finch.

House Finch

These photos are from multiple batches:
2024-04-26 West Bay
2024-05-04 Macaulay Point
2024-05-06 Butchart Gardens
2024-05-12 kayak
2024-05-15 Canada Geese

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