Sunday, September 23, 2018

Paragliding at Five Springs

A few short clips from my best flight at Five Springs back in August. The flight was an hour and twenty minutes so it was a lot of footage to go through. I'm afraid after you've seen a few of these videos, they all look much the same!

The thermals weren't going very high - launch is about 2100m (6900ft) and my high point was about 2550m (8400ft). But it was fairly smooth conditions and I had a good time cruising around. Last time I was here I made the mistake of venturing too far north and ended up sinking out, so this time I stayed closer to launch where the best thermals seemed to be.  I headed down because it was getting to the middle of the day and I was afraid it would get rowdy in the landing area (like it did last time) since this is more or less desert. It turned out that wasn't a problem, but I did have some trouble getting down since there were some big thermals around the landing. How come I never find those thermals when I need them!

I was flying by myself so I had to hike back up after each flight, but it only took about 40 min to regain the 400m (1300ft) so it wasn't a big deal. I actually like to hike up since otherwise paragliding doesn't involve much exercise. Other people flying might be able to tell me where to look for thermals and how they've made longer flights, but it's a fun challenge to figure out a site for myself.

See also my previous blog post about Five Springs

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