Driving from Jasper to Wells Gray Park I stopped at Blue River. I had planned to go to Clearwater, but the weather looked threatening so I figured I'd get my tent up before it rained. As it turned out, it only sprinkled in the evening. (It rained more in the night.) I've passed through Blue River on the train and the bus, but never stopped. There's not much there, but I enjoyed wandering around and taking photos of the sunset and the reflections in the lake.
In the morning it was very foggy in Blue River, but the road went over a pass and emerged out of the clouds. I actually passed the viewpoint and stopped and turned around to go back to take some photos. The other side of the pass I was down in the fog again by the river.
(click to view 21 photos)
These photos actually precede the previous batch -
Details of Wells Gray Park
Kind of looks like a painting.