Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Photo of the Day

River otter

From another early morning walk. First I saw a couple of river otters in the water but they were quite far away and spending most of their time underwater. When I next looked there was a whole group of them (8?) and they came out on the beach and played around before disappearing into the bushes. Perhaps a family group with a den? Normally we only see one or two at a time. They were still quite far away so I headed around the path to get closer. By the time I got there, there were only a few left on the beach. It's surprising how much lighter brown they are when dry compared to the dark, almost black, when they're wet. It's also interesting to get a look at their big webbed feet and sharp looking claws. Often sea creatures are quite awkward on land (like seals) but otters seem equally at home in the water or scampering around on the land.

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