Saturday, August 22, 2020

Photos of the Week

I opened the shed to get my bike and noticed two moths on the door. One immediately crawled away to a dark inaccessible corner, but the other posed in the open long enough for me to get my camera out. I think it's a Copper Underwing. You can see where the name comes from in this iNaturalist photo.

Copper Underwing

We're past the peak of the flowers but there are still some around. I like the details of the lilies.


There was no wind for a change this morning so the reflections were very clear. Hard to even tell this is a reflection until you notice the water lilies floating in the "air".


Approaching slowly while it scolded me, this red squirrel let me get quite close before scampering up the tree. Squirrels seem to be getting more common in Saskatoon. I'd assume that was global warming, but there are lots of squirrels further north.

American Red Squirrel

There are lots of these funnel weaver grass spiders around this time of the year. Usually if you approach too quickly they retreat into their funnel. But as I took photos of this one, it started coming further out - a strangely aggressive spider. But on my way home I spotted it again and waved my hand to see if it would come out again. This time it retreated as they usually do. Thinking about it, I wonder if it was seeing its reflection in the camera lens and thinking it was another spider, had come out to chase it away.

Grass Spider

The jackrabbits are also unpredictable. Sometimes they run away as soon as they see you. Other times (or other jackrabbits) they let you get quite close. This one was keeping an eye on me, but it was busy eating fallen apples and let me get quite close.

The bumblebees like the globe thistles. And with lots of little flowers, they kept this Tricolored Bumblebee busy long enough to get some video. It seemed to be collecting nectar and not pollen.

See all 11 photos in this album

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