Sunday, December 08, 2019

Ice Crystals

One of my staff (thanks Barb!) stopped by my office to tell me there were nice ice crystals that I might want to take photos of. (They know me well!)

The ice crystals turned out to be on the side of the smoking shelter outside. It's unheated, a bit like a bus shelter but more enclosed. (Considering Saskatchewan winters, you have to really want your nicotine these days.)

ice crystals

ice crystals

ice crystals

ice crystals

The details are interesting if you get a chance to look at them on a larger screen.
(Click to view larger.)

There were crystals on the inside and the outside of the glass, making it problematic to get both in focus. And it was hard to make a decent background out of a parking lot. Wide angle would give the best depth of focus but the worst background, so these were all token at full zoom on the little ZS100 (250mm equivalent) They're converted to black and white in part to make the background less distracting.

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