Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Around the Pond

There is a distinct feeling of autumn in the weather these days, and the leaves are changing color and starting to fall. So these photos from a few weeks ago might be the last of summer.

peaceful morning at the pond at Innovation Place

I haven't seen any of the larger (female) fishing spiders - they seem to become scarce after egg laying. But I did spot this little one. I'm not sure if it's a smaller male or just a juvenile.

small fishing spider

Fishing spider

I assume this is the same funnel weaver spider I've taken other photos of. At least it's the same web. The web is getting a bit worn, I wonder how long they use it before making a new one? I could see it had something green but I couldn't tell what it was. Zooming in on the photo it looks like the remains of a little green caterpillar. Breakfast!

Funnel weaver spider eating caterpillar

Harvestmen (aka Daddy longlegs) aren't really spiders, although they are related.

Harvestman (aka Daddy longlegs)

In addition to the mating dragonflies (see my previous post) there were quite a few damselflies around.


And to wrap up the spiders and insects, the cool mornings mean "sleeping" bees. Bees need to be warm before they can fly. Either they have to wait for the sun, or they can "shiver" to generate enough warmth to fly. I think this one was planning to wait for the sun but when I started to harass it, it started shivering and eventually managed to fly away.

sleeping beauty

Although a lot of the flowers are past their prime, like this one, there are still a few late bloomers around.

decaying lilies

Soon after taking this shot of a water hyacinth flower they removed them all from the pond because the nights are getting too cool. See you next year!

water hyacinth

I'm not sure what these flowers are, but I like how they open up and the gooey looking seeds (?) descend.



flower seeds

The apples and berries are also out in force.


Some of these shots were taken with the new camera and some with the little ZS100.

See all 33 photos

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