Saturday, August 24, 2019

Prints of the Week

For me, the real test of my photographs is whether I can make a big print that I'm happy with. I know the rest of the world is content to look at tiny images on their phone, but that's not for me. It strikes me as odd that everyone has to have a six foot tv, but they're happy to look at photographs on a two inch phone. A reflection of how being inundated with photographs has devalued them.

The first print was a yellowjacket wasp that landed on the chair where I was sitting having lunch by the pond at Innovation Place. When they are collecting wood pulp for their nests they stay in one place long enough to photograph. And I happened to have my new camera handy even with the macro lens already on. The wasp was moving a bit too much for focus stacking, but the camera did quite well at focusing where I wanted. I love being able to get a sharp enough image of something this small to print 17" x 22".

Yellowjacket wasp collecting wood fiber

The pond area of Innovation Place seems to get busier and busier, presumably as more people find out about it. It is lovely, but it's not very big, so it doesn't take too many people to get a little busy for my liking. Thankfully when I arrive in the morning for work, it's still quiet and I can wander and take photographs without the nuisance of other people.

My second print was just the pond itself and the reflections. Why don't we have more green places like this? To think we could have moved our offices to the industrial area.

peaceful morning at the pond at Innovation Place

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