Saturday, May 25, 2019

Spring Spiders

The weather is finally warming up, the leaves are coming out on the trees, and I'm happy to see the fishing spiders are back in force on the Innovation Place pond. They can be hard to spot at first. I crouch down beside the water and search. Nothing, nothing, nothing, ... oh wait, there's one. And next thing you know you've spotted half a dozen within a span of a few feet.

Fishing spider

Fishing spider

As I was sitting eating my lunch by the pond, something jumped onto me, which was apt because it turned out to be a jumping spider. I'm not sure what it was up to. It kept jumping from one part of me to another, to the chair, and back. It was only about 1/4" long and I only had my little camera so this is the best photo I managed. (on the strap of my sandal) It was a cute little guy.

Jumping spider

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