That's it for diving in San Salvador. We fly out Saturday morning so Friday morning's two dives were our last. The weather is changing and there's a bit more swell and the visibility is not quite as good, but still great diving. On our last dive we spotted a small sea turtle at the beginning of the dive. We got quite close and I took some photos and then we continued on our dive. Partway through the dive we saw it again. And then on the way back to the boat we saw it a third time. Most other times when we've seen turtles they take off once they see us. But here they don't seem too worried about people. This one did seem a little nervous about the sharks, especially the bigger ones. It would head for the bottom and keep a low profile when they went by. I don't think sharks normally hunt turtles but they could.
We had Friday afternoon free since we weren't diving, so we rented a car and drove around the island (55km). The main point of interest is the lighthouse at the north end of the island. There are lots of nice beaches but not a lot else. The population of the island is about 1200. San Salvador's main claim to fame is that it's where Columbus first landed in the Americas in 1492. (The island is one of the East-most of the Bahamas.)
From here we head over to
Small Hope Bay Lodge on Andros island, closer to Nassau and the mainland.
See all 34 photos as a
slideshow or
See all Shelley's
San Salvador Sunsets post
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