I took a camera because that's what I do. At first I didn't see much to catch my eye. Dirty wet snow, bare trees, cloudy gray day. But as usually happens, once I started I found lots to photograph. I stopped at Museo at the Mendel for coffee and a splash of color in the conservatory. Quite a contrast between the drab outside and the luscious colors inside.
Despite the snow, there are signs of spring if you look closely. Buds are swelling and trees are flowering (at least the ones that flower before they get the leaves). There are signs of the beavers at work. I don't see them too often, but I love that they're around. They must be waiting for fresh growth too.
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The geese are still around of course. The snow doesn't seem to bother them too much.

The only green is the lichens and mosses on the trees. It's nice to live somewhere the air is clean enough that the lichens still grow.

Moving into the conservatory...

What's your preference - the subtle shades of green and cream, or the big bold colors?

and back outdoors again...

All these were taken with the little Sony RX100m2. It does quite well at the macro shots, although focus is a bit hit or miss. Even setting it to the center focus point it still sometimes stubbornly refuses to focus on what I want it to. As usual, the answer is to shoot lots and hope some will come out.
View all 25 photos as a slideshow or overview